Who are we?

The TellUs Toolkit originated from the University of Manchester based PPGIS research team who have been developing web-based decision support systems over the past 15 years. The Toolkit helps you engage stakeholders in a range of location based problems.

Led by Richard Kingston's research into using GIS (Geographical Information Systems) as a tool to support decision making, the main objective of what we do is to provide your stakeholders with access to information and data in the form of on-line maps and visualisations. This then supports you in making better informed decisions about your location-based problems.

Richard Kingston founder & online participatory GIS expert
Richard Kingston

Jenni Viitanen project management & stakeholder engagement
Jenni Viitanen

Vasileos Vlastaras web & GIS software development
Vasileos Vlastaras

Moozhan Shakeri GIS & spatial data processing analyst
Moozhan Shakeri


What do we do?

The TellUs Toolkit provides a tailored package of map-based software tools to support business decisions. The solutions are modular and have wide commercial applications in any area where decisions about places and the location of facilities are made.

We have particular expertise in areas such as electricity, oil and gas transmission, wind farm and bypass planning, where large scale infrastructure planning processes are involved, plus the capacity to engage with a range of external stakeholders.

We offer a multi skilled team of experts who provide support and skills in all areas of infrastructure planning and stakeholder engagement, as well as technical expertise in IT system design.

Why the TellUs Toolkit?

The idea behind what we do has always been about harnessing the power of maps and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to engage a wide range of stakeholders in decision making about places. Tellus is a latin word meaning 'earth' and has roman and greek origins with Tellus being the ancient roman goddess of earth which in greek mythlogy translates to Gaea, or mother earth.

So, with our expertise in both GIS (maps of the earth) and stakeholder engagement 'tell us' seemed like a logical name for what we do!